The Two Hungers of Prince Fierre by Darcy Ash: Complex and Healing

Prince Fierre has three big problems. He’s suffering from a mystery illness. He’s surrounded by lords who expect personal favours. And worst of all, he’s in love with his best friend, Aiven, a former farm boy and studious enforcer of rules, now right-hand to the prince.

Can Fierre heal himself, deal with the noblemen snapping about his ankles, and confront his desire for a man who has no noble blood… but a very noble heart?

In The Two Hungers of Prince Fierre by Darcy Ash, the author has created a story that is both complex and healing. The novel is set in a Scottish like fantasy kingdom that sets up the main idea that the king must be the pinnacle of perfection. From there, Darcy Ash writes a story that combines disordered eating with healing and a romance between Fierre and his best friend, Aiven. 

Told from both Fierre’s point of view and Aiven’s, the novel had me hooked from the first chapter as we see the vulnerability and awareness of Fierre. The relationship between the two is well built, allowing time for the two to realize their feelings as Fierre also learns the truth of his mystery illness. I appreciated the exploration of disordered eating and the complexity around healing. Those ideas, hunger, also ties well into the world and the title of the novel. 

Ultimately, if you like novels that are complex and healing, this story might be for you. It is a beautiful gay romance that also handles ideas of disordered eating with sensitivity and exploring the idea of nobility having to be perfect. I love how the characters react and deal with those issues but most of all, I love how they come together and work to change, to heal both themselves and others. 

Rating: 5 out of 5 meals 

Rebellion Publishing



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